Dorothy Ann Schaefer-Steege - Online Memorial Website

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Dorothy Schaefer-Steege
Born in United States
70 years
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Stephanie Beebe-Wallace
I woke up this morning with thoughts of my all-time favorite teacher flooding my head and decided to find her and thank her for the extraordinary impact she had on me.  My dear Mrs. Steege, here you are.  I want you to know that my second and third grade years at Leo Carrillo Elementary in 1975-1977 were BY FAR the best years of all my schooling, and that no other teacher had anywhere near the impact on me that you did.  I am now 41 and I think you'd be surprised at how many times I think of you and fondly recall the things we did together in your class.  What an absolutely extraordinary teacher and woman.  I became a teacher because of you, and you set the standard high for what a teacher can be and the kind of impact you can have on children.  What a lucky, lucky family to have you.  And what an absolute gift you were as a teacher.  The impact you had on me when I was 7 and 8 years old is indescribable.  I think of you every time I hear any song from "Free to Be You and Me" and I credit you for my love of that entire album.  I think of you when I share it with my children now.  I remember the listening center in the back of the classroom, and one day I realized I was blurting out the words to "William's Doll" more loudly than I realized and I turned around and saw that the whole class had stopped what they were doing and were all looking at me.  I don't remember exactly how you handled that one but you obviously did with grace and humor because I remember that embarrassing moment fondly!  I cherish my projects that we made in your class together more than any other projects in any other class, and I still have them.  Do you remember I named the marionette I made in your class Dory Ann, a version of your name.  You went so far beyond what you needed to do as a teacher.  My foursome of friends adored you to pieces.  Martha Oliver, Dianne Boddy, Amy Porinchak, Jackie Hermann, and me, Stephanie Beebe.  I cherish the photograph I have of the five of us standing with you.  You had a special name for our group of friends and shared so much love with us.  I moved after my third grade year and over the years I lost touch with those girls but I am 100% certain that you had the same impact on them as you did on me.  In those two years you showed me how much someone can love school and love life.  You made me feel so smart.  We had a boy with no arms in our class-- Mark, remember?  I'm sure you do.  It was a big deal when we all got to meet Henry Winkler because Mark was the Easter Seals poster child that year.  I so loved putting my head down on my desk and listening to you read classic stories like Charlotte's Web and James and the Giant Peach.  But beyond all that, it was the connection you made with me as a child and a person and the confidence you built up in my that will never be forgotten and will always be appreciated.  I can honestly tell you that I think of you fondly every day as I relive elementary school with my own children.  My daughter is in third grade now.  How lucky I was to have you. How lucky we all were who had you in our lives.   I love you, Mrs. Steege.
Stephanie (Beebe) Wallace
Leigh Ann Gilmore
My dear, sweet Mrs. Steege~
I thought I would look for you on facebook and came across your name on this site instead. When I read the names of your children I thought "This can't be MY Mrs. Steege because there is no mention of little Allison."  As I searched your memorial further, I saw that it was indeed you. You had left this earth and joined your "Allison bear".
I regret not being able to tell you as an adult what fond memories I have of you from my school days at Crosby Elementary in Garden Grove. I will forever remember and love: your beautiful, warm smile; your example to us of your patriotism and honor of our country; your love of "groovy" music; each day resting my head on my desk as you softly read the complete series of Little House on the Prairie, Stuart Little, and James and the Giant Peach; showing me that it was possible to be such a smart dresser AND a mom; how to truly enjoy a cup of coffee; how much you ADORED your children; and SO much more. I was with you more waking hours each day at school than at home with my own mom. 
I have lived in HB for many years and I am saddened that you were so close without me knowing. That is why, as I write this, I have many tears on my face and an ache in my heart.
I THANK YOU for such warm, lasting memories, Mrs. Steege.  May you rest peacefully...

You are forever in my heart!
Leigh Ann
I only have one memory of Dorothy....she told me to take care of her little girl Suzanne...........I plan on doing just that, she waited for me to arrive in California from Hawaii, she passed that night, I have to believe she waited for me to come and take care of Suzanne, Chase and Cooper......I will!
Sue "Super"Shaffer
Dear, Dear Dorothy,
Had it not been for our beautiful college age daughter, both named Laura, the chances are we'd not have met....for you lived in California and I in Arizona.   How could we have known through their four years as NAU roommates our bond would only grow deeper...extending as well to our boys, Troy and Kevin, and daughters Suzanne and Christin.   What evolved were many joyful Easter brunches together, wonderful foreign travel together....and football....lots and lots of healthy in ....ASU vs. USC!  Thank you, dear Dorothy for every moment.  We will always be together in spirit.   Love you, Super

My dear Dorothy......What fun we shared at the Mount.........Time spent at your home on weekends where we could laugh and have fun with your family and the home cooked meals your mom prepared.  Our memories went on through the years at Mount Reunions and seeing you when you came to Phoenix.  We always had ideas to exchange since we were both teachers of the gifted.  It is time for you to rejoice with all your loved ones in heaven and I know Patsy was there to greet you.  I will talk to you when I am on the golf course and hope you will help me make that special shot I need.  Best love to you forever.



Ann Li

Dorothy, my dear friend,


I have so many delicious memories separated by years but nonetheless as real today as they were so long ago.  Most of your family doesn’t know this…but remember lying in the nude at that Club Med resort in Tahiti in 1987!! Yes that long ago.  I wasn’t used to it, lying there totally naked with absolutely no privacy but you were the brave and bold one and I took your lead cautiously.  We were on those white plastic floaty chairs in the warm Pacific lagoon and no one paid the slightest attention to us.  Of course we were younger and our bellies flat.


I miss you. We have had many laughs through the years along with the tears.  You were always there for me.  I miss your voice on the phone and our gala times in your “cave.”


Love, Ann

Lisa Finney

Aunt Dorothy - I a,m so glad for our last converstaion - filled with love, laughter, tears and words of the heart.  We shared so much and found peace together - I am so happy to have shared with you all you mean to me.  You were my "other mom" - filled with unconditional love.  You helped bring our babies into the world and you always gave me love and guidance.  Dorothy - you are my inspiration - high heels, lipstick, and beuatiful nails - and deeper love, laughter, family.  I am sorry you had such tradegy in your life.  I am so happy you were my aunt and that we shared such special times.  Today you are everywhere I am - in the sun, the breeze, the flowers and in all the glitter there is in the day.  Love, Lisa


Chase your Grandson
GG you gave me a world and i miss you everyday and wish that those few nights reading together wern't "few". To me you are the Jonathan Livingston Seagull of the family and you fly higher than anyone now. Say hello to Allison for me and tell her i wish i had met her! Well, I guess this is our goodbye and you will always "BE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your daughter, Suzanne
Mom, Thank you for the spark of Light you gave to me by sharing your thoughts of Life, Love, and God. The best of me comes from you and I will always remember you singing, "This Little Light of Mine" to me. I will now "...let it shine..." in your honor and memory. YOU know peace, my dear mother. I love you always! Suzanne
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